Oh yes, Heinzelmännchen! What is a Heinzelmännchen? If you are reading in German, maybe you already know. Otherwise, I will only tell you that Heinzelmännchen is a very funny little brewery in Sylva, North Carolina. My mom was very excited to bring Lena there to try the beer and test if it was a real German Beer. The beer was good, but the owner who claimed to have grown up in Germany seemed really confused when Lena spoke to him in German… so was he a fake German then?
Category > United States
Blue Ridge Parkway (Blueberries)
The Blue Ridge Parkway is a road which runs from Smoky Mountains National Park in North Carolina to the West, to Shenandoah National Park in Virginia, 450 miles to the East. We drove from Maggie Valley to Graveyard Fields, where years ago a fire burned all the trees and left a clearing in the forest. Here, wild blueberries have grown all over the hills and were ripe much earlier this year than usual. So, we spent the afternoon picking blueberries for our special batch of blueberry pancakes which we wanted to make the next morning.
Sunday afternoon, there was a small music festival in Asheville, the nearest city to my mom’s house in the mountains. We decided to get out of the woods for a day to give Lena’s little feet a rest, and to see what the big city had to offer. Lena got her first root beer in an American diner, and her first Mardi Gras beads (even though we were 1,000 miles from New Orleans) all in the same day.
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Just a few random photos from North Carolina… Nice views.
We are trying to add some more beautiful photos and exciting stories on this little website of ours, but we have no time, so I think maybe it will be mostly photos for a while…
Lena in the Forest
A few photos from hiking in the Appalachian Mountains in Smoky Mountains National Park, near Cherokee, North Carolina. It was a beautiful walk through green forest, along a small creek. We wanted to swim, but the water was so cold. It felt great on the aching feet towards the end of the hike though. We made Lena walk 7 miles that day, and she started getting a little cranky. But she made it in the end, all the way back to the car.
Erster Abend in North Carolina
Nachdem man nach einer langen, beschwerlichen drei Tages Reise endlich in North Carolina angekommen war, wurde erstmal geschlafen! Zwar nicht besonders lange (Jason hatte vier Stunden nach unserer Ankunft einen Zahnarzttermin in der Zahnarztpraxis, in der seine Mutter arbeitet), aber ausreichende vier Stunden Schlaf, um wenigstens wieder aufrecht auf zwei Beinen stehen zu können. Ich bin dann am Nachmittag mit zur Praxis gekommen, da von Annies Arbeitskollegen eine kleine Willkommensparty organisiert wurde. Mit ausreichend Bloody Marys (mal ganz abgesehen davon, dass ich wirklich kein Cocktailtrinker bin, finde ich die Idee mit Tomatensaft einen Cocktail zu mischen, ziemlich befremdlich!) während Jason mit offenem Mund im Zahnarztstuhl lag.
Lena and the Bear
OH, I have been waiting for weeks to be able to post this one!! I was so happy that we got this nice photo of sleepy Lena with the nice American bears. Doesn’t she look so happy to be finally in the United States??
Toccoa, Georgia
After an eighteen hour ride on the train from New York, we arrived in a little town called Toccoa, somewhere in northern Georgia. There wasn’t much there, and at 06:00 in the morning the little town was totally empty. My mom was waiting for us at the station, and snapped a couple quick photos of the exhausted travelers. We had been traveling now for three full days, and were ready for sleep. Unfortunately, we still had another two hours in the car to my mom’s house before we would be able to rest…
Willkommen in New York
Egal, wen man fragt, was man unbedingt gesehen haben muss, wenn man einen Trip in die Staaten macht, lautet die Antwort ziemlich eindeutig “New York!”. Ich kann dazu aus meinem Erfahrungsschatz nur sagen: New York ist so eine der schlimmsten Städte, die man sich vorstellen kann, wenn man vollkommen übernächtigt ist und die pralle Sonne auf einen niederbrennt!
Nach einer schrecklichen Nacht am New Yorker Flughafen, kamen wir um 8:00 morgens in New York City an. Über die Fahrt vom Flughafen in die Stadt hinein wollen wir gar nicht erst anfangen zu sprechen: Ich sag nur völlig überfüllte U-Bahn umgeben von auf ein niederprasselnden neuen Eindrücken in Form von Menschen und Werbung…