06 September 2010
By Jason
In Burning Man, Nevada, United States
Black Rock City, NV

People Gathered Around "Bliss Dance" by Marco Cochrane
Surprisingly, it seems there’s little in the way of words to tell about Burning Man. This was what we had driven 3,000 miles across the country in an old Jeep for. A week in the desert with 51,454 other crazy people. No food and no water, other than what you bring with. No showers, No Air-Conditioning… What’s not to love? Amazingly, this would prove to be only the beginning of what was shaping up to be a pretty incredible summer road trip…
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Burning Man, Festival, Nevada, Road Trip, Summer, United States
26 August 2010
By Jason
In Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, United States
New Orleans, LA – White Sands National Monument, NM – Albuquerque, NM – Petrified Forest National Park, AZ – Flagstaff, AZ – Las Vegas, NM – Death Valley, CA

Sunset on the Highway
We left New Orleans at midnight, after an amazing Puppet Show that I unfortunately can’t remember anything from except the colors… and then drove all night and through the next day straight across Texas. Made our first stop in White Sands National Monument, New Mexico. A few more sleepless nights, including stops at Petrified Forest National Park, Route 66, the hottest day of my life at the Hoover Dam (116ºF!!!), and a sleepless night in 106ºF low-temps in Death Valley… Only the first four days into the trip and already I get the feeling the girls are all ready to kill me…
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Arizona, Hoover Dam, Nevada, New Mexico, Painted Desert, Petrified Forest National Park, Road Trip, Route 66, Summer, United States, White Sands National Monument