29 August 2010
By Jason
In California, United States
Death Valley National Park, CA – Yosemite National Park, CA – Reno, NV

Sunrise in Death Valley
We made our visit to Death Valley as quick as possible to avoid… Well, death. Then, we moved on to Yosemite to trade the dry deserts for milder climates, and evergreen forests. along the way we picked up Jeffery Jones, a native American (even if the name is misleading) who had ridden his bike from Florida to Alaska… He was on his way back to his reservation in Arizona when his sprocket broke and he ended up hitching a ride with our motley cure, making it the strangest looking band of misfits when the cop pulled us over for speeding. We got off with a warning, dropped Jeffery at the nearest bike shop, then made a quick hike to the top of Vernal Falls in Yosemite (Half-Dome was vetoed by the group), and continued to Reno that night to gear up for the Big Event.
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California, Death Valley National Park, Road Trip, Summer, United States, Yosemite National Park
26 August 2010
By Jason
In Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, United States
New Orleans, LA – White Sands National Monument, NM – Albuquerque, NM – Petrified Forest National Park, AZ – Flagstaff, AZ – Las Vegas, NM – Death Valley, CA

Sunset on the Highway
We left New Orleans at midnight, after an amazing Puppet Show that I unfortunately can’t remember anything from except the colors… and then drove all night and through the next day straight across Texas. Made our first stop in White Sands National Monument, New Mexico. A few more sleepless nights, including stops at Petrified Forest National Park, Route 66, the hottest day of my life at the Hoover Dam (116ºF!!!), and a sleepless night in 106ºF low-temps in Death Valley… Only the first four days into the trip and already I get the feeling the girls are all ready to kill me…
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Arizona, Hoover Dam, Nevada, New Mexico, Painted Desert, Petrified Forest National Park, Road Trip, Route 66, Summer, United States, White Sands National Monument
18 August 2010
By Lena
In Louisiana, United States
Baseball is one of the sports, that is typically American. (In addition to football, of course),. However, I always found football terribly stupid and dumb: A bunch of great guys, they clash against each other in their armor, making funny noises. Baseball, meanwhile, had at least raised the level of my fascination, the one sport in general that can be interesting. Sport was simply never my thing to begin with. But for some reason I always found far more aesthetic Baseball than Football. As matter of neccessity, I had to bring Jason as a true American on my true-America trip to a baseball game. The French were of course, totally exited to see it, however, every American, we told that we would finally see as Europeans our first baseball game, just shook thier head sympathetically. But this was probably because, that it is a game of the Zephyrs (Baseball team from New Orleans) ,, than it really was aimed against baseball in general.
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Baseball, Louisiana, New Orleans, Sports, United States, Zephyrs
18 August 2010
By Jason
In Louisiana, United States

Hwy 665 to Point au Chêne
A journey to the end of the earth… Clint brought us to visit his hometown of Houma, down the the steamy southern Louisiana Swamps. Bowling in Cajun Country, Naked Swamp People and their swampy hideouts, roads to nowhere, and Lena’s first taste of Louisiana Sugarcane…
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Clint, Houma, Katrina, Louisiana, Point au Chêne, Southern Louisiana, Swamp, United States
09 August 2010
By Lena
In Louisiana, United States
Von Valerian wusste ich schon aus Leipzig, dass er sich zeitgleich mit uns für eine Woche in New Orleans aufhalten würde. Seine Freundin hatte in Kanada ein Praktikum absolviert, welches nun beedent war, sodass die beiden einen kleinen Trip durch die Staaten unternahmen. Natürlich gehörte New Orleans für sie als Franzosen (wenn wir mal in Klichees sprechen wollen) ganz oben auf die Liste.
Da die beiden nur ein französisches Handy besaßen, ich mit meinem deutschen Handy dastand, dessen Guthabenbetrag sich langsam aber sicher dem Ende zuneigte und Jason natürlich überhaupt kein Mobiltelefon besitzt, stellte sich die Vereinbarung eines Tages, eines Treffpunktes und einer Uhrzeit als schwiriger heraus, als es eigentlich der Fall sein dürfte. Schlussendlich haben wir dann nach viel hin und her doch noch die Glanzleistung vollbracht die beiden in New Orleans zu treffen.
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French Quarter, Louisiana, New Orleans, Travel, United States
08 August 2010
By Jason
In Louisiana, United States
A day out in the boat along the Tchefuncte river in Madisonville, Louisiana. Lena got to see some swamp and we went swimming in some of the warmest water you can imagine… Doesn’t she just look at home in that last photo?

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Bayou, Boating, Louisiana, Madisonville, River, Swamp, Tchefuncte River, United States
03 August 2010
By Jason
In Louisiana, United States
Making a Red Velvet Cake for Izzy’s birthday party… We had just found a delicious John D. Folse recipe for Red Velvet cake and really wanted to try it out. Izzy’s birthday party was that night so we thought it would be the perfect occasion. We had fun baking the cake and dying it such wonderful colors. Also, photos of Izzy’s house in Abita, and eating the delicious cake… It was so, SO good. I ate about three slices and would have eaten a few more if my stomach could have handled it.
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Abita Springs, Birthday Party, Cake, Izzy, Louisiana, Red Velvet, United States
03 August 2010
By Lena
In Louisiana, United States
Nachdem wir von North Carolina runter nach Lousiana gekommen sind, musste ich erst mal eine Woche in Mandeville warten, bis mir endlich zum ersten mal New Orleans gezeigt wurde. Wir fuhren mit Katie, Chris und Tyler. Um von Mandeville nach New Orleans zu kommen, muss man erst einmal 20 Minuten über den See fahren. Man fährt über eine Brücke, die über den See verläuft. Angeblich die längste Brücke in der Welt, die über einen See führt. Diese Brücke dauert wirklich eine halbe Ewigkeit! Zunächst ist man sehr gespannt darauf, aber spätestens nach fünf Minuten Autofahrt und nur Wasser, Wasser, Wasser zu deiner Linken und Rechten wird es furchtbar langweilig. Ich begann schon diese Brücke wirklich zu hassen!

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Aquarium, French Quarter, Louisiana, New Orleans, United States